What Types of Insurance Coverage Are Most Important for SMEs?

What Types of Insurance Coverage Are Most Important for SMEs? Facebook Linkedin For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), being prepared with the right insurance coverage means safeguarding the hard work, dedication and investment you’ve poured into your business. It’s about ensuring that, in the face of adversity, your business can continue to operate, recover from […]
Ontdek die waarde van Persoonlike Advies by ProVérte!

Ontdek die Waarde van Persoonlike Advies by ProVérte! Facebook Linkedin Persoonlike aandag in ’n onpersoonlike wêreld In ’n era waar digitale kommunikasie en outomatiese antwoorde die norm geword het, bied ProVérte ’n vars aanslag waar persoonlike aandag en professionele advies geprioritiseer word. Is dit nie beter om ’n adviseur te hê wat jou en jou […]
Wat is ‘n Elektriese Sertifikaat van Voldoening (CoC) en hoekom word dit verlang?

Wat is ‘n Elektriese Sertifikaat van Voldoening (CoC) en hoekom word dit verlang? Facebook Linkedin ‘n Elektriese Sertifikaat van Voldoening (CoC) is ‘n wetlike dokument wat sertifiseer dat ‘n eiendom se elektriese installasies aan die Suid-Afrikaanse veiligheidsstandaarde voldoen soos uiteengesit in die Wet op Beroepsgesondheid en Veiligheid van Elektriese Installasies van Suid-Afrika. JY MOET TE […]
Vehicle theft a growing pain in South Africa

Vehicle theft a growing pain in South Africa Facebook Linkedin A significant spike in hijackings has led to vehicle tracking devices increasingly becoming more mandatory for insurance purposes in South Africa. Some insurers require an additional (second) tracking unit in certain vehicles. According to recent data from Tracker, keyless remote entry/access has been reported as […]
Protect your valuables this festive season

As the festive season approaches and many head out for holidays, homes become more vulnerable to theft and South African roads see increased traffic.
Follow these guidelines to secure your home and belongings while ensuring road safety.
Cybercrime is on the rise: All businesses are at risk

Cybercrime continues to pose a real threat to businesses of all sizes, both large and small. Studies have shown that 83% of organisations have experienced more than one breach in the last 12 months. Additionally, there is an attempted ransomware attack every 11 seconds and 53% of small enterprises that fell victim to ransomware attacks did not recover their data …
Landbou Implemente: Bande dekking

Landbou Implemente: Bande dekking Facebook Linkedin Landbou-kliënte besit ‘n wye verskeidenheid voertuie, werktuie en stropers, wat daagliks aan verskeie risiko’s blootgestel word – onder andere skade aan bande. Verskeie faktore kan skade aan bande veroorsaak. Slaggate, versteekte voorwerpe in landerye en ongelyke padoppervlaktes is net ‘n paar voorbeelde. Deur die volgende vrae te vra sal […]
Wat behels brandbluskoste dekking onder Gemeenregtelike Aanspreeklikheid?

Wat behels brandbluskoste dekking onder Gemeenregtelike Aanspreeklikheid? Facebook Linkedin Wanneer ‘n brand op die versekerde se eiendom uitbreek kan die versekerde regtens aanspreeklik gehou word vir skade wat aan naburige eiendom veroorsaak word as gevolg van die verspreiding van die brand. Die Gemeenregtelike Aanspreeklikheid-afdeling sal die eienaar teen hierdie aanspreeklikheid beskerm indien die uitbreiding uitgeneem […]
Agricultural Insurance to protect your crops and assets

Agricultural Insurance to protect your crops and assets Facebook Linkedin To qualify for Agri insurance you must be a bona fide farmer, this means your dominant income is generated from farming activities, on an agricultural property. To insure your assets on an Agri policy there must be an insurable interest. A business has an insurable […]
Santam ─ Change in coverage regarding Power Surge and Failure or Interruption of the Power Grid as of June 1, 2023

Santam ─ Change in coverage regarding Power Surge and Failure or Interruption of the Power Grid as of June 1, 2023 Facebook Linkedin Please see the following notifications received from Santam relevant to changes in coverage regarding power surges and failure or interruption of the power grid: Personal Lines Policies [click here] Commercial Lines […]